Welcome to the Tabb Middle School Clinic
Nurse: Patricia Baars-Bryant
Phone: 867-7456
Fax: 855 369-2609
A note from the Nurse
As the school nurse at TMS, I am proud to be part of the team that supports student success and well-being. Our goal is to keep students in class and learning if they are well. However, if students are ill, they should stay home. To pick up students, please sign them out in the front office. They will be in the clinic waiting for your arrival. After they are signed out, the front office will call for their dismissal. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's health needs and care, please call me at 867-7456. If you receive a call from your student, it does not necessarily mean that you have to pick them up. Sometimes just talking with a parent helps them to make it through the day. I will call if you need to pick them up.
PE Notes
Parents may write a note or email excusing their student from PE for up to two consecutive classes for illness or injury. If the student has an injury or illness that is more serious and necessitates lengthier time off from PE, a doctor's note is REQUIRED. Please advise your doctor to indicate a time limit, as this is needed by the PE department.
If you are looking for a specific form or more information about a particular topic, please look under the Resources section - Forms to the right.
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