Please report all absences to the attendance office at 898-0321. After hours, voicemail is available. A note should accompany your child upon their return to school. Children with an infectious or contagious disease should stay home until the danger of transmitting the disease has passed. Here for some things to keep in mind when considering to keep your child home or send to school:
- Temperature of 100 degrees or greater within the past 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication
- Vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours
- Severe headache
- Sore throat/Upper Respiratory Infection - red throat, swollen glands, persistent dry or productive cough, and green or yellow nasal discharge.
- Wheezing that continues to increase 1 hour after medication is taken.
- Undiagnosed rash or skin infection
- Undiagnosed red eye and/or drainage from eye(s). Pinkeye is very contagious. Student must be on antibiotic medication 24 hours before returning to school.
- Lice or Scabies
- Injury making it hazardous to be in school
- Earache lasting more than 12 hours.
- Dental pain lasting more than 12 hours.
- Student is too weak or tired to take part in routine daily school activities.