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Home of the Tigers

About Us

Serving students in grades 6 through 8 in the Tabb Zone of the York County School Division.

Tabb Middle School
300 Yorktown Road
Yorktown, VA 23693

School Hours: 8 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Phone: 757-898-0320

group of students and teachers in their TMS spirit wear

News & Announcements

cell phone icon

Beginning January 6, 2025, all YCSD schools will implement No Cell, Bell-to-Bell policies. Ensuring students have their personal devices off and away during the school day fosters a safe and healthy learning environment, where students can fully engage in their studies and interact meaningfully with their peers and teachers.

Read More about Cell Phone Free Education Policy
Federal Impact Aid Survey

Each year, the federal government requires school divisions to survey every family to identify students who are federally connected. The information gathered through the confidential Impact Aid survey directly impacts the amount of funding YCSD receives. These funds are essential for providing teachers, support staff with textbooks, classroom computers, library books and other supplies and equipment needed to prepare every child for a successful future. 

Read More about Federal Impact Aid Survey

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